The International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture strives to provide a harassment-free, academically honest, open and accessible scholarly environment for its members. It accepts as a central principle that fairness and honesty in presenting one’s academic research and courtesy in discussing the views of others are essential to the proper conduct of scholarship.
The Society supports conferences and meetings that welcome people regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnic identity, nationality, political views, or religious beliefs. Harassment in all its forms is unacceptable. It is an abuse of authority and undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to academic inquiry. In some circumstances, it may be legally actionable. It is especially wrong when directed at those to whom we owe a duty of care, whether students, colleagues or employees.
Harassment can take many forms. It can manifest in unwanted or inappropriate physical contact, including unwanted sexual contact. It may include verbal or written comments concerning one’s person, ethnicity, or beliefs that reinforce prejudice. It may include deliberate intimidation, unwelcome attention, stalking, or inappropriate photography or recording.
Similarly, ISAAC expects its business and debates to be free of bullying behaviour. Meetings of the Society and communications sent in its name or connected to the Society’s activities should always be expressed courteously and professionally. Bullying is most obvious in aggressive conduct. Members of the Society should avoid speaking in a manner that is intended to humiliate, belittle or intimidate. Those in a management role or tasked with particular responsibilities will take care to carry out their duties in a professional and civil manner. Otherwise, their actions may constitute bullying.
Members of the Society shall not condone harassing or bullying behaviour in others when they know it exists, nor shall they disregard complaints from students or colleagues.