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If you work as a researcher or educator at the crossroads of astronomy and culture, you are welcome to apply for membership to ISAAC. Please read the membership categories below and decide which one is best for you. On the right you can complete and submit your membership form.


Before you apply, please read the By-Laws and the Ethics policy. This details requirements for membership categories, as well as the standards for all members.


Membership Categories


Associate Member


This category is open to all persons active in cultural astronomy who are not PhD academics, including student and amateur researchers, educators, communicators, or Indigenous elders. Associate members must demonstrate current activity in the field through teaching, research, outreach, or other outputs and contributions.


Full Member


This category is open to professional PhD-qualified cultural astronomers who have an established track record of publishing original, peer-reviewed research in credible journals and publishers.




This category is for senior researchers in cultural astronomy who have been paid Full Members for at least 10 years, have served roles on Council, and developed outstanding track records in research, teaching, and public engagement and/or curriculum development in cultural astronomy. Fellows are approved by Council only.


Council may approve, reject, or reclassify a candidate for any category by a two-thirds majority vote.




The fee payable by each category of membership is fixed at the General Meeting. In the light of prevailing economic conditions, the fee for membership in a given category may vary according to the Member's country of employment/residence. All fees are in United States Dollars (USD$).


Fees are paid per triennium (3-year period) under the following conditions:


Associate Member Fees: USD $30


Full Members/Fellows in a country listed below: USD $60


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.


Full Members/Fellows in a country not listed below: USD $30


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.


Members who are able to pay the full USD $60 fee are encouraged to do so, but that decision is left to the individual.


© ISAAC 2024. Duane Hamacher

Website sponsored by the Australian Association for Astronomy in Culture

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